Not too much new

Sorry we’ve been terrible about updating this thing. We recently put in some privacy bushes, I’ll add pictures later and keep you updated on their growth. Right now is flowering season for our peach trees and plums, Ill add photos of those later in the week as well, checking into Nikki’s instagram is the the best place to see updated pictures of the farm animals, plants and Neo (our dog). That’s she posts there a lot so you’ll get regular updates. But we will try to add more posts here.

New Additions

Recently we have added pigs to our small farm, which is super exciting. This upcoming weekend we will be building a proper pig pen and getting that all ready so…

Tiny House Water and Electric Overhaul

Well it has been awhile and I’ve been busy overhauling and running proper electric, water, and internet cable. We have been running on extension cords and garden hoses previously. This…


Welcome to Ramsey Wonderland, my husband and I are working on making a delicious food forest using permaculture, in central Florida. This will be a sort of map of our…