Welcome to Ramsey Wonderland, my husband and I are working on making a delicious food forest using permaculture, in central Florida. This will be a sort of map of our journey, a description of how we do things, the lessons we’ve learned and a guide of how tos. Come on in have a seat if you’re interested in our knowledge nuggets and enjoy. I will try to keep this as updated as possible, but things do happen. Currently we have over 100 thriving fruit trees, countless herbs, berries, vegetable plants and other vegetation. We have 14 chickens, one is a rooster and we have 3 ducks (2 are Muscovys and one is a Peking). Our goals are to obtain quail, pigs, and rabbits in the near future and we plan to keep you fully updated on that quest. We also want to begin working on our second acre which has yet to be touched. We do not use pesticides of any kind so this has been a trial and error type thing, we have so far made a few mistakes but our bounce back is amazing. We do have a youtube channel where we post how to videos and document some of our new endeavors. We will not sugar coat anything and tell you up front if something has been a challenge or not. We’re not here to lie to you to get you to read. We’re here to give you what we’ve learned and to tell you how we do things. We have been working at this property for 2 years now and have made some progress but mostly we made a lot of mistakes. We have learned a lot through those mistakes, so we will tell you about them on here. Thanks for reading and enjoy!